Dave-Man Logo

A Game About Getting Coffee at Work

Purchase on Steam

Dave-Man, available on PC or Mac for $9.99. Purchase on the Dave-Man Steam Page.

Game Elements

Dave avoiding Chatty Cathies


In PacMan inspired gameplay Dave must get his coffee each level by weaving his way through a maze of cubicles while avoiding Chatty Cathy.

After collecting all the coffee beans enjoy that sweet victory by making it to the coffee maker undetected.

Dave's wife scolding Dave


Dave is retiring in 30 days. In preparation for retirement Dave must make as much money as possible to purchase everything needed to live comfortably in retirement.

  • Go to work
  • Get paid if you survive the day
  • Shop online
  • Keep the mrs happy
  • Countdown to retirement
Dave online shopping

Online Shopping

There aren’t many games where you get the joy of online shopping!

Every night you get the chance to sneak in some online shopping time before dinner to spend your hard earned cash on...

  • items to help you survive the day
  • items for your home
  • other items you may not be sure when they may come in handy!
Power Up Icons


Tired of running?

Dave can purchase numerous power-ups to give him the upper hand!

NPCs around water cooler

NPC Storylines

Over 25 friendly co-worker NPCs that you can find at the water cooler.

Some will have a simple conversation but others will take some quest style work to unlock their full story.

Dave's Home


Retirement, the ultimate goal!

. . . But what will you do with all that free time?

Dave-Man Media

pictures of dave-man characters


Dave-Man Screenshots!

Planning to update this soon, stay tuned!

Imgur Gallery


Put together one wallpaper for fun! Let me know if you enjoy and mayble I'll make more!

Created for iPhone Xs

Dave-Man videos image


Check out additional Dave-Man videos!

You-Tube playlist

Dave-Man Soundtrack Album Cover

Dave-Man Audio

Check out The Official Dave-Man Soundtrack on Bandcamp

Scowsh 1 bit NPC


All music and sound effects created by Scowsh. Check out his other projects and follow him on social media via the links below

Dave-Man News

B.O. Bob and Emergency Beards

Indie DB - 11/24/2019

Find out all about the new hostile co-worker B.O. Bob and the power-up Emergency Beards!

Globe Spinning and Falling Fish Tanks

Kickstarter - 11/18/2019

A new home item is implemented and one of the silliest glitches of the game that I have seen!

New Trailer and Steam Page is Live

Indie DB - 11/21/2019

Release of the new trailer, Steam page live, and other updates!

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Follow the Bagel